Michael Spyres. Il Pomo d'Oro

The fine top notes that seem to spring effortlessly from Michael Spyres' golden throat, the way he plumbs the rich depths and exploits the countless timbres of his three-octave voice, is absolutely spectacular! The "Tenore assoluto" has tailored a baroque bravura program to his own taste, which would once have challenged the virtuosity of the castrati with daring leaps and coloraturas, but which also celebrates lyrical moments and also highlights some treasures of today's almost forgotten masters such as Gaetano Latilla or Antonio Mazzoni. Il Pomo d'Oro, the historically informed ensemble of distinction, sets off with Spyres on this fiery vocal journey and also contributes some instrumental gems.
This concert will be followed by a talk with the artists and Anselm Cybinski in the Festivalzentrum.