Saturday afternoon
Workshop. Concert
Workshop with the Quartett HANA at 2.30 pm
Concert with the Quartett HANA at 4 pm
A single motif consisting of only four notes, but for Beethoven it conceals enough power and perspective for his three late string quartets opp. 130, 131 and 132. The resulting revolutionary reinvention is well known. Or not? "The people need verses, incomprehensible and familiar at the same time," writes Ossip Mandelsstam. With this in mind, the workshop aims to delve into the unheard, place it in context and direct our antennae towards processes that we may not immediately grasp on first hearing. The masterpiece with the famous "Holy Canticle of Thanksgiving" is not desecrated, rather we approach its diversity, unfolding and magnificence with enthusiasm. The Quartett HANA will perform Opus 132 after a short break.