Veronika Eberle and friends

String quartets thrive on the homogeneity of the ensemble gained through long collaboration. Larger casts, on the other hand, usually benefit from the confrontation of strong individuals whose temperaments can unfold particularly vividly within a carefully developed reading. When seven outstanding young soloists gather around violinist Veronika Eberle to perform Franz Schubert's magnificent Octet, this is precisely the kind of potentiation of creative energy that can be expected. The octet by the young composer Gregor Mayrhofer is far more concise than Schubert's work, with which he famously wanted to "pave the way to the great symphony" in 1824 - a poetic and confident new version of the mixed eight of strings and winds.
This concert will be followed by a talk with the artists and Anselm Cybinski in the Festivalzentrum.