Junior.LAB - Art and Economy in Dialogue

In the Junior.LAB presented by MLP, art and business entered into a creative dialog

Economy and art have much more in common than it seems at first glance. Inspiration, creativity and intuition are central skills both in artistic creation and in the work context of business leaders. In the Junior.LAB presented by MLP, these two spheres came together from fall 2023.

The participants included outstanding students of business administration at the University of Mannheim, who were accepted into the Honors Program founded in the winter semester of 2023, and the brilliant young musicians of the Festivalcampus-Ensemble 2024. In addition to excellence in their respective fields, they all shared the will to actively shape society and togetherness. The projects developed at regular meetings, which are based on social issues, were presented to the public at the 2024 Musikfestival.

A project of MLP, Heidelberger Frühling and the Honors Program of the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Mannheim.