Lieder für das Jetzt | Radikale Verletzbarkeit

Wed 6. 4. 2022

Hardly any genre is so closely connected with the question of inwardness and subjectivity as the art song and poetry. But is this true at all, and whose subjectivity is meant by it? And what does this look like in contemporary literary and musical practices? An evening that listens to these questions between cliché and irritation, canon and intervention.

The concert is part of the program »Lieder für das Jetzt« curated by Max Czollek and Daniel Gerzenberg. More»

Event without intermission (approx. 80 min)

Please inform yourself about the current Corona regulations and our hygiene regulations before attending the concert.

We thank

Anna Hetzer Lyricism
Marie Heeschen Vocals
Claudia Chan Piano