LiedFEST: Preisträgerkonzert with Thomas Quasthoff
Thomas Quasthoff presents the first prize winners of the International Singing Competition »Das Lied« with a musical festival experience around the Spanish Lied by Robert Schumann.
Concert with intermission.
Followed by KÜNSTLER I TALK with Thomas Quasthoff for members of the Freundeskreis (auditorium 13).
Holders of the RNZettKarte plus one accompanying person receive a 10% discount on this concert. Available at all RNZ VVK points, cannot be combined with other discounts, daily regular RNZ subscription required.
Please inform yourself about the current Corona regulations and our hygiene regulations before attending the concert.
In cooperation with Heidelberg University and DAS LIED
We thank Manfred Lautenschläger Stiftung
Nikola Hillebrand Soprano – Laureate 2019
Jóhann Kristinsson Baritone – Laureate 2017
Hagar Sharvit Mezzosopran – Laureate 2015
Manuel Walser Baritone – Laureate 2013
Alexander Fleischer Piano – Laureate 2009
Thomas Quasthoff Moderation
Franz Kafka Auszüge aus Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse
Robert Schumann Die Sennin op. 90
Stille Tränen op. 35
Er und Sie op. 78
Clara Schumann Er ist gekommen op. 12
An einem lichten Morgen op. 23
Liebeszauber op. 13
Robert Schumann Liebesgram op. 74
Liebeslied op. 51
Abendlied op. 107
Hidalgo op. 30
Lust der Sturmnacht op. 35