MUSIK|SCHLAGLICHTER | Lecture by Prof. Dr. Heinz Bude
The Freundeskreis des Heidelberger Frühling e.V. is starting a new series of lectures in which personalities from politics, art and culture will be guests: MUSIK | SCHLAGLICHTER.
Entry costs € 10. Tickets are only available at the box office (from 6.30 p.m.). Admission is free for members of the memerbs of the Freundeskreis.
Please inform yourself about the current Corona regulations and our hygiene regulations before attending the concert.
About the lecture:
Societies look for a cultural self-expression so that people get an idea of what is going on in society and what to hold onto. For a long time after the war this was always politically controversial in the society of the OECD world, but the fundamentals were still reasonably clear. That was as true for those up there as it was for those below, and above all for most of those who, as in West Germany or otherwise also in the GDR, thought they were in the middle-class belly.
Today, despite the paradisiacal ten years that we have experienced with Angela Merkel since the tremendous financial and economic crisis of 2008 and 2009 and the subsequent sovereign debt crisis in Europe from 2011 onwards, the impression has arisen as if we were living in a divided society that still did not understand that she was past her prime.
The populist movements of the last ten years in all western societies are united by the message that we are rushing towards an abyss with an unleashed financial market capitalism, an insane wasteful consumption and an individualistic culture of decadence, and that most of them turn a blind eye to it in their comfort situation. The questions are: "What is actually the case?", "What must be done?" And, above all, "Who is speaking?"
In his lecture, Prof. Bude looks at an important social compass, the cultural self-expression that has recently been exposed to new socio-political developments: Since the financial and economic crisis of 2008/2009, society has seemed more divided than ever and thus a populist flare-up Influences that are also noticeable in culture, exposed.
Prof. Dr. Heinz Bude, sociologist and journalist, has held the chair for macro-sociology at the University of Kassel since 2001 and is the founding director of the Dokumenta Institute, an independent research institute for exhibition studies, in Kassel. He is known to a wide audience primarily through his numerous articles and publications in various publishers and well-known newspapers.
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»Die Herausforderungen der polarisierten Gesellschaft für die Kultur«
Prof. Dr. Heinz Bude Vortrag