CANCELLED – String Quartet Festival | RED Thursday

Thu 28. 1. 2021
Old College of Education Heidelberg

Please pay attention to these notes on the RED and BLUE events.

The concerts will be tape-recorded by
Broadcast date: 3 february 2021

16.00 Uhr Wolfgang Rihm
Rihm: String quartet No. 8 (JACK Quartet)
Rihm: Four studies for a clarinet quintet (Quatuor Danel & Thorsten Johanns)

17.30 Uhr Rihm & Beethoven
Rihm: String quartet No. 1 op. 2 (Leonkoro Quartett)
Beethoven: String quartet C Major op. 59/3 »Rasumowsky-Quartette« Leonkoro Quartett)
Rihm: Grave in memoriam Thomas Kakuska (Goldmund Quartett)