Standpunkte | Igor Levit | Schostakowitsch
Igor Levit overwrites his »Standpunkte« - the culmination phase of chamber music within the Heidelberger Frühling curated by him together with the festival - as »Entgrenzung« (Dissolution of Boundaries).
Dmitri Shostakovich sought a dissolution of the inner self in 1950/51 with his 24 Preludes and Fugues. The collection of predominantly short pieces has been described as a sound diary, as a psychogram of the composer who was alternately courted and traumatized by socialism - in the historically objectifying form of Bach's »Wohltemperiertes Klavier«. Only in the great final D minor fugue does the confessional »I« gesture of the notations change into the processional character of a resolute »we«, says Igor Levit: the vision of a community appears on the horizon.
Listen here to the concert program on Spotify
Concert with intermission
»Standpunkte« subscription: 25% discount when booking five different »Standpunkte« events from March 31 to April 3, 2022. Available from our telephone card service (+49 (0) 6221 - 584 00 44) and from the Rhein- Neckar newspaper.
Please inform yourself about the current Corona regulations and our hygiene regulations before attending the concert.
In cooperation with the University of Heidelberg
Igor Levit Piano
Dmitri Schostakowitsch 24 Präludien und Fugen op. 87