Events and Activities

In addition to the concerts and the intensive encounters during the festival weeks, the members come together for a variety of occasions and events: For concert introductions, artist talks and joint rehearsal visits. The friends can attend musicological lectures and music trips and participate in exclusive events such as the big summer party or the Advent singing.

Heidelberger Frühling Summer Party

June 2024

The Freundeskreis celebrated its summer party in the open air on Marlene-Dietrich-Platz in front of the new Karlstorbahnhof in Südstadt. In addition to culinary delights, a varied programme awaited the members on the song stage. Amateurs and professionals, choirs and bands from Heidelberg and the region came together in a colorful rendezvous. Among others, honorary member baritone Thomas Hampson performed together with the scholarship holders of the Heidelberger Frühling Liedakademie. In bright sunshine, the members not only celebrated a successful 2023/24 season with many moving concert experiences, but also toasted the start of the Heidelberger Frühling Liedfestival.

Friends' Evening at the Heidelberger Frühling Musikfestival

April 2024

Following the general meeting on April 7, the Freundeskreis came together for a champagne reception and then visited Brahms.LAB V, an experimental concert performance based around Brahms' "Four Songs for Women's Choir", which was created by jazz pianist Florian Weber together with the 4x4 Women's Choir of the Heidelberg University of Education under Heike Kiefner-Jesatko, theFestivalcampus-Ensemble and other artists.

Advent Music

December 2023

Excursion to Marbach to the Museum of Modern Literature

December 2023

Summer party

In July 2023, friends and supporters of Heidelberger Frühling came together for the summer party at the Kulturbrauerei in summery temperatures and a great atmosphere. This celebration offered the opportunity to round off the festival season with like-minded people, nice conversations and a glass of wine.

Freundeskreis trip

In June 2023, part of the Freundeskreis traveled to Vienna and Eisenstadt to follow the work of some Liedakademie alumni at the masterclass there with bass-baritone Florian Boesch and pianist and Lied accompanist Justus Zeyen at Esterhazy Palace and to enjoy two concerts together in this wonderful setting. To the travel report by Freundeskreis member Wolfgang G. Nestler