First Round

From a total of 131 applications from all over the world, 27 duos werde admitted to participate in the Heidelberger Frühling Wettbewerb "Das Lied". They come from 20 different nations from five continents, from Italy to South Korea, Australia and USA to Brazil.
With selected songs by Aribert Reimann, Franz Schubert and Viktor Ullmann, they will present their skills on Day 1 of the First Round of the competition, which will continue on Day 2 on March 2. The Semifinal will be held on March 3 and the Final and Prize Ceremony on March 5.
The artists will be judged by a top-class jury chaired by competition founder Thomas Quasthoff. The winners will receive prize money and performance opportunities.
With the Competition Pass all rounds and the prize ceremony of the competition can be visited. For each day there are also day tickets available.
Admission is free for students, trainees and pupils. All competition rounds will be broadcast via free livestream on Facebook and the website.
Procedure First Round - Day 1:
Saaleinlass: 9.45 Uhr (freie Platzwahl)
Beginn: 10.15 Uhr
10.30 Uhr Vincent Kusters (Bariton) & Fiona Pollak (Klavier)
10.45 Uhr Bella Adamova (Alt) & Malte Schäfer (Klavier)
11 Uhr Maximilian Vogler (Tenor) & Thomas Wypior (Klavier)
11.15 Uhr Tae Hwan Yun (Tenor) & Dokyung Han (Klavier)
12 Uhr Marie Hänsel (Sopran) & Alexander Fleischer (Wettbewerbspianist)
12.15 Uhr Laurence Kilsby (Tenor) & Ella O'Neill (Klavier)
12.30 Uhr Erin Wagner (Mezzosopran) & Richard Fu (Klavier)
12.45 Uhr Anna Bottlinger (Sopran) & Nao Ueda (Klavier)
Mittagspause: 13.15 Uhr bis 15 Uhr
15.15 Uhr Lars Conrad (Bariton) & Filipe Pinto (Klavier)
15.30 Uhr Hannah Cho (Sopran) & Youngmo Na (Klavier)
15.45 Uhr Benjamin Hewat-Craw (Bariton) & Yuhao Guo (Klavier)
16.30 Uhr Felix Gygli (Bariton) & Jong Sun Woo (Klavier)
16.45 Uhr Theo Hoffman (Bariton) & Marcelo Amaral (Klavier)
17 Uhr Martha Matscheko (Sopran) & Elias Gillesberger (Klavier)
Ende: ca. 17.15 Uhr