Josefine Göhmann & Mario Häring

Innocence or female heroism? Seductress or sufferer? In the multimedia song recital, soprano Josefine Göhmann and pianist Mario Häring roam the rooms of an imaginary museum, featuring musical representations of images of women - from virgins to heroines. They serve as a cultural-historical and aesthetic starting point for a current discourse: even today, a strong hundred years after women were able to gain the right to vote in Germany, female role types often still correspond to clichés shaped by men. In their tour, Göhmann and Häring meet male composers and lyricists. However, in addition to a song by Lili Boulanger, the French champion who died in 1918 at the age of only 24, the program also features two younger colleagues. Feliz Anne Reyes Macahis, the composer from the Philippines, and the Japanese Aya Yoshida have written their songs for solo voice especially for Josefine Göhmann. Of course it's also about eroticism, and of course lyrics and sounds shimmer in allusive ambiguity. The beauty of this is that women are now actually allowed to choose - they are called upon to react alternately playfully, ironically, satirizing or also with personal identification to the stylizations in the song.
The concert was originally scheduled to take place in the song festival "Neuland.Lied" in June, but was postponed to the fall for organizational reasons.