The Streichquartett's last evening has already achieved almost cult status. Special about this concert is that the audience does not sit in rows, but at tables with drinks and snacks. The musicians can be experienced not only on their instruments, but also in conversation. And the program is also out of the ordinary:
Featuring all six quartets participating in the Streichquartettfest, the evening illuminates the varieties of the unique artistic genre of the string quartet, which has lost nothing of its importance and fascination even after some 250 years.
From the time of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a string quartet by his friend Josef Mysliveček, who was undoubtedly closest to Mozart stylistically and personally, is presented. Much of Mysliveček's work "sounds like Mozart." The great visionary György Ligeti composed his 11-part "Nocturnal Metamorphoses" in a retrograde style, describing it himself as "old-fashioned, different," and yet he shows his compositional virtuosity and humor here in an inexhaustible way. However, the quartets have also chosen works that they have commissioned themselves or that have been composed for them, for example by the New Zealand composer and violinist Salina Fisher, the British composer and violist Sally Beamish, or the Ernst von Siemens Prize winner Marko Nikodijevic.
Concert with intermission
Duration approx. 2 hours