Tareq Nazmi. Gerold Huber
Franz Schubert: Winterreise

Free Admission

Baritone Tareq Nazmi and pianist Gerold Huber perform Franz Schubert's famous song cycle "Winterreise". It consists of 24 songs for voice and piano, which the composer composed in the fall of 1827, one year before his death. The theme of the cycle is the lonely wanderings of a man grieving over a lost love. The area he wanders through evokes memories of the time he spent with his beloved; in a dialogue with nature, he relives his grief and finds correspondences to his desperate state of mind in the wintry atmosphere. While in the first part the pain is still accompanied by longing and occasionally even hope, the second part is determined by the realization that there is no escape from the situation and that the end is inevitable.

The concert will take place as part of the Heidelberg Lectures on Cultural Theory, which will deal with the topic of "The Wanderer - Transformations of a Human Figure" in the winter semester 2023/24. The lecture and dialogue series is organized by literary scholar Prof. Dr. Dieter Borchmeyer with guests from the worlds of science, politics and music. Further information

An event organized by Heidelberg University in cooperation with the Heidelberger Frühling Liedzentrum