CANCELLED – Lied Fellow Konzert I: Farewell

Tue 23. 3. 2021
Auditorium of the Old University Heidelberg

More about the Lied Academy »

As holder of the SWR2 Kulturkarte you will receive a 15% discount on this concert, bookable here in the webshop or by calling +49 6221 584 00 44.

In cooperation with Universität Heidelberg

A projcet of International Song Centre Heidelberg

We thank
Klaus Tschira Stiftung gGmbH

Fellows of the Lied Academy:
Marie Seidler, mezzo-soprano
Toni Ming Geiger, piano

Viktor Ullmann Melodram »Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke«
Selected Lieder by
Gustav Mahler, Samuel Barber,
Morton Feldman, Erich Wolfgang Korngold
and Richard Strauss

No intermission (concert duration about 60 min)