Final Concert
Cuarteto Quiroga. Ševčík Quartet. Quatuor Agate. NOVO Quartet. Arete Quartet

Through his involvement with Haydn, Johannes Brahms contributed significantly to the renaissance of his music in the second half of the 19th century. Haydn's Spanish contemporary Manuel Canales, who left behind two collections of six string quartets each, is still to be rediscovered today. The program of the final concert spans from these two classics to the Danish composer Mette Nielsen, whose piece "Apart" from 2021 challenges us to reflect on the nature of space, time and sound. And while Robert Schumann engages the four musicians in rapturous conversation, Maurice Ravel fills the classical four movements with French tonal sensuality in his early, only string quartet.

The concert will be recorded and broadcasted on 05.02.2024 from 20:03 at the SWR2 Abendkonzert.

Cuarteto Quiroga

Aitor Hevia

Ševčík Quartet

Pavla Tesařová

Quatuor Agate

Adrien Jurkovic

NOVO Quartet

Kaya Kato Møller

Arete Quartet

Chae-Ann Jeon

Manuel Canales
String Quartet in G major op. 3/5

Joseph Haydn
String Quartet in A major op. 20/6

Maurice Ravel
String Quartet in F major op. 35

Mette Nielsen

Robert Schumann
String Quartet in A major op. 41/3